What nutrients you are in deficiency

What nutrients you are in deficiency

There are many advocations of dietary style supported with cultural philosophies or environmental concerns. Any of these could be a guideline to achieve your health and weight goals. For someone who has medically related issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, eating disorders, seeing registered dietitian for consultation is highly recommended. Professional dietitian will educate the clients on the overview of balanced diet and look into your deficiencies. Clinical assessments such as blood test, or urine test may be needed. Continue reading →

Meal plan design

Meal plan design

An eating pattern is influenced by food preferences, cultural or regional traditions, food availability and food intolerances. When someone trying to follow certain dietary fad would find it difficult to sustain if it does not fit in the eating habits and fail to see long term result. Design your own meal plan, not copy the diet plan, that comply to your lifestyle. A plan that you are able to stick with is the one include the food you really love and satisfy your appetite while getting high nutrition density as well as energy. Continue reading →

A healthier choice other than chasing dietary fads

A healthier choice other than chasing dietary fads

Every day bunches of information about diet flood into your chatroom from the media. Yesterday was cut carbs, today is more proteins, and do expecting more of this hi-hi-lo-lo dietary fads come in tomorrow. People are desperate for results and do not hesitate to try any quick fixes when no longer fit in a jean. Any suggestion on cutting calories, no wonder, always works as long as you follow it in short period. But scientists warn us it is stressful to body and mind using this restrictive approach. Any dietary approach suggests you to tilt to or completely eliminate certain nutrient worth the second thought.

Have you ever wonder why dietary fads arise one after another? Continue reading →

Train for movement efficiency

The crucial role of connective tissue in transmitting force through a series of muscles greatly model how we train our body striving towards a more coordinated and healthier body. The fascial system explains how soft tissue length tension balance affects human movement distribution through tensional network in which specific lines of pull are identified. When forces are introduced at one point in our body, they are simultaneously transmitted to other parts of the body. Continue reading →

Lack of mobility and stability induces pain

Everyone shares the same experience of moving feel like a robot after you strain your neck or due to muscle soreness after running your first marathon. One area or particular joint in your body is stuck, you are bound to move rest of body as a whole. How well you move is greatly affected by mobility and stability of the joints. How fit you are depending on how efficient you move. Continue reading →