

飛鳥 (3)

今屆奧運男子4X100米接力賽,有無得輸百米飛人壓陣,牙買加隊勝出絶不意外,能拍住閃電保特力拼到衝線,接最後一棒的23歲有牙買加血統的日本選手劍橋飛鳥,與隊友刷新亞洲紀錄兼為日本隊奪得銀牌的畫面,叫國際觀眾眼前一亮,入選日本奧運代表隊前後飛鳥已頻頻被傳媒追訪,常被要求掀起上衣大show腹肌,線條分明如洗衫板,難怪傳媒對他大感興趣,直擊訓練實況。 Continue reading →

A step-by-step approach to strengthen the core

A step-by-step approach to strengthen the core

Many people have difficulty in breathing while holding the abs stable during workout. Either stop breathing while moving. Breathing but slow down uncoordinated the movement. If you are training yourself with planks and feeling neck tight and red face may have the same issue, not breathing deep. Hold the plank longer does not necessarily see the gains in coordination and strength unless you restore deep and controlled breathing pattern. Continue reading →

Healthy core with sculpted torso

A flat belly is what most of us desire. Not surprisingly people will do crunches of high repetition for the washboard abs. However, it does not necessarily accompany with a healthy back. Try the approach of core training to tone the abs from inside out will give you healthily sculpted waist. Continue reading →

How core training does more work than abs-only workout

The muscles of the torso are important for supporting and moving the spine, as well as stabilizing the hips. These muscles include the abdomen, back, glutes and upper legs. All these muscles are considered as our core. The strength and stability of our core are keys to fitness and athletic performance. Core training aims at strengthening these muscles that can protect the back from pain and injury while also improve the aesthetic look of the waistline. Continue reading →