Trigger points release

Trigger points are hypersensitive areas that develop throughout the body. Some refer to these hypersensitive areas as “knots.” A knot is essentially an area in the muscle that is contracting in that specific spot. While injury and overuse can be the cause of trigger points, other proposed reasons include localized dehydration in fascial tissue and lack of blood flow to localized areas, caused by inflamed fascia.

Trigger point release

The role of the myofascial system plays in pain and muscle imbalances gaining wide attention by physical therapists. Trigger points can cause both localized and referred pain to other areas of the body. For instance, a trigger point in the trapezius muscle can cause neck pain and headaches.

The most common method is using foam rolling for myofascial release. Other patent therapeutic methods of Trigger Point Release such as Rolfers™, the MELT Method are also available to deal with soft tissue in its own way for relieving the pain and discomfort of trigger points. In general what it can achieve is to:

  • improve joint range of motion without the risk of reducing neuromuscular performance in either high-force/low-velocity or high-velocity/low-force muscular actions
  • reduce the deterioration in countermovement jump performance to improve one’s ability to perform again more quickly
  • reduce muscle soreness in order to improve their ability to train again more frequently
  • reduce arterial stiffness
  • improve arterial and vascular endothelial function